Me and #mykid...Alienor Falconer, founder of The Bright Company
Love singing… along to Space Pirates in the car or singing and dancing in the kitchen to the radio, especially when The Cure comes on
Love cuddles with…all the Cocos (jelly cat rabbits, as named by Corwin when he was 18 months old), little white scratchy Coco is no.1, then there is Big Coco, Brown Coco and Effie’s Coco, Effie loves a muzzy too.
Secretly… I love dressing the kids in matching pjs, it’s rare our washing is ever that organised but when it is I love it!
Couldn’t live without…my mum who does a huge amount for us as a family, including looking after both kids for two days a week.
Always read…stories before bed, we love Sarah Dyer and Dr Zeus
Love going on holiday to…anywhere as long as we are together, we have got to have a beach and swimming though, and of course some sunshine!
Can’t wait to… ave full on chats to Effie, she is just learning to speak and it’s amazing how much is in there just waiting to burst out.
Have the most fun when...we are on the beach with a picnic, the sun is shining and we have no-where else to be.
in the tweets… result… sic2Tliae30;noo bad. This was not an attack upon @NYFA, it was an opening up of dialogue and an opp for them to to into it further.Like HRH’s blog would be worth it, lol. Um, not. I agree with you!
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