Me and #mykid Emma AKA Brummymummyof2 and Ethan

We'd like to extend a big warm welcome to Brummy bab Emma aka Brummymummyof2 aka the mummy bloggers voice of choice to Me and #mykid. Em has collaborated with Our Kid to produce our first online competition featuring a fab review of our Maxomorra and Boys&Girls clobber as worn by her kid Ethan. If you fancy entering, you could win £50 to spend with us so what are you waiting for? Check out her blog now!


Love singing...Yo Ho Jake and the Neverland Pirates!

Love cuddles with... the one and only IgglePiggle. Nothing else can fill his place.

Secretly…go on adventures with Mummy whilst my sister is at pre-school.

Couldn’t live without…my early morning mimi (dummy).

Always read…ANYTHING with an animal in. Or a dinosaur. Roar!

Love going on holiday to…Butlins with Nanny San and Gwandad Rog

Can’t wait to…go to EuroDisney next year and see Jake in the flesh!

Have the most fun when...Daddy is pretending to be the Gruffalo and chasing us up and down.

1 comment

  • Delphia

    Whenever I’m looking at a problem area, I like to try to solve it myself first, or at least make some progress, before looking around at what other people have done. Not only is it more fun, but it increases the likelihood that I’ll have a novel or better solution, and furthermore it improves my unestdranding of the extant approaches when I do look at them.

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